some totally cool not emo edgy header

about the host general updates art gallery

!! rain (he/him) !!

haiii!! i vibe on the internet sometimes and this is one of those spaces. i'm not good at being online tbh. womp womp!

my main interests are definitely drawing and writing, the latter of which i'm becoming really drawn to. i love my ocs (who you can see on my horribly un-updated toyhouse by clicking the art gallery button!) and don't really plan on dropping them anytime soon, even if my content making is slow. i'm also super into working out; shout out to my trainer, she lowkey changed my life. i enjoy just about anything creative or that explains how things work-- music, history, psychology, biology. real nerd behavior. i used to play violin, have done a season of color guard, and i kinda hope to pick them back up at least one more time.

all that personal interest stuff is on hold right now though cause i decided to sell my soul to the IB Programme for the plot. "for the plot" really isn't an exaggeration either. IB has all these potential college benefits and i was solely concerned in taking more interesting classes. i won't say it hasn't been challenging, but i'm very glad i chose to do IB :3

for curiosities sake... (site details)

i started blogging back in april of 2023 when i realized i hadn't managed my depression like i thought i had; i was in fact still depressed. what a wild concept! this website originally started on weebly, but now (13 july 2023 is when i started building this) it's moved over here :] while it started as a depression tracker, i talk about lots of my life here, and i hope to keep this as a fun hobby for at least a while.

on that note, talking about life means i will casually talk about upsetting or at least not light-hearted things in the blog, so don't be surprised when that happens. i avoid most straight-up venting because i'm simply uncomfortable with the idea of posting all that online, but i still have weird thoughts and do weird things, so. have fun with that.

what's up with all the headers?

the headers on each website page (including the domain name) is a reference to a band i like! music means the actual world to me, so i found it fitting to feature more here.